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Queen Elizabeth National Park has strict rules not to go off the path, so vehicles can’t get too close to the animals. With your Nikon DX Lens 18 -300 mm, be prepared to capture some pretty amazing shots of those awesome animals.

Just like any other national park, while visiting Queen Elizabeth National Park, there are some things that you should remember and put into consideration for a successful travel expedition;

  • Do not leave footprints. In other words leave this national park in its natural condition. You should not try to take any of the plants or animals that you see during your visit.
  • Keep very still and quiet as you tour the reserve.
  • Enjoy the natural sounds of the park and the animals that live there.
  • Never try to interact with the animals. It’s dangerous.
  • Feeding of animals is forbidden.
  • If you have chosen to drive instead of hiring a guide you must follow all of the rules. This means that you should never try to get too close to the animals for any reason.
  • The speed limit ranges from 30-50 km/h on all of the trails.
  • Do not leave the designated trails in search of some new adventure. You could frighten or harm the animals and you will destroy native vegetation.
  • There is no traveling on the national park from sunset to sunrise.
  • You should always remember that you are an invited guest to this area and you should respect the rules as well as the rights of the wildlife that lives there.